Monday, August 13, 2007

RAF Puma Helicopter Crash Aug 8th

Three people have died and several others have been injured in the crash of a RAF Puma helicopter crash in North Yorkshire. Police said two of the deaths were confirmed at the scene, the third in hospital.

The crash took place at about 2100 BST on Wednesday in woods to the west of Catterick Garrison army base.

"We watched this helicopter quite rapidly go straight up into the air and it didn't sound right, It sounded like the engine was misfiring or something - it was making a hell of a racket. "This helicopter went onto its side and then shot off. "I didn't hear no bangs or nothing. I didn't see no flames or anything like that at all." said Andrew Pavey a Local resident.

A Ministry of Defence spokesman said that a board of inquiry would investigate the cause of the crash.

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